4-5 June 2025

Manchester Central


Zara Janjua

Broadcast Multi-Hyphen / CEO of Everything.

Speaker profile

Zara Janjua wasn’t just a square peg trying to fit into a round hole, she was a rhombicosidodecahedron – that’s a very complex geometrical shape, just so you know. She has developed 25 income streams, segwaying a range of industries in diverse and exciting roles from journalism, TV production, filmmaking, presenting, stand-up comedy, writing and delivering media training to companies like Dyson to sitting on the Equality Council for NatWest.

The award-winning multi-hyphenate has worked for BAFTA, NTA and RTS award-winning shows like This Morning on ITV and won a coveted spot in the BBC Comedy Writersroom, before being launched as a comedy writer at BAFTA. She writes for the Guardian and has a weekly column in The Sun newspaper. She is a regular contributor to BBC and ITV programs where she offers commentary and opinion. She runs a global production company, making impact humanitarian films in Nepal, Tanzania and Guatemala, premiering them in Canada and the Cayman Islands last year.

Zara has spoken on some of the biggest stages around the world and has thousands of hours of live TV under her belt. She now teaches people how to deliver keynotes and gain confidence in public speaking through her business Edge Consulting.


Tuesday 04 June


16:20 - 17:00   |   Keynote Theatre

PANEL: Creating a Selection Process where Female Talent will Succeed

Zara Janjua

Broadcast Multi-Hyphen / CEO of Everything

Nagla Thabet

Homes Transformation Director ,
Lloyds Banking Group

Liz Kingston

Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition Digital,
BT Group

Jenni Turner

Technology Delivery Lead,



4-5 June 2024

Manchester Central


2-3 October 2024

ExCel London