4-5 June 2024

Manchester Central


Tuesday 04 June

11:40 - 12:10   |   Women in Business & Tech Theatre

Steps to Success: Ascending the career ladder and leaving behind a trailblazing legacy

Through insightful strategies and practical tips, the speech inspires individuals to strive for excellence, overcome obstacles and create a legacy that extends beyond their immediate career achievements.

Angela will be sharing insights on how to navigate the journey of climbing the professional ladder, exploring steps for personal and professional growth, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning, continuous learning and building meaningful relationships.

Whether aiming for personal fulfillment or professional advancements, Angela will provide advice for realizing your full potential and embracing success on your journey.

See speaker profiles

Angela Essel

Thales UK



4-5 June 2024

Manchester Central


2-3 October 2024

ExCel London