Wednesday 05 June
12:20 - 12:50 | Women in Business & Tech Theatre
PANEL: Yes, You can Speak in Public
We know the stats, there aren’t enough women in tech and there definitely aren’t enough women in tech on the stage at events or being given the opportunities to share their voices – but we can change this. WIT North Co-Founder Beckie Taylor will host this panel where we address what’s needed to amplify the voices of more women in tech, how those of us who have taken the stage can use our experience to guide others and practical steps for those wanting to begin a public speaking journey. We will cover topics including:
Creating spaces where voices can thrive (responsibility for creating events and pushing forward others for opportunities)
Everyone has something to say
Starting small is still starting (meet-ups, internal events, panels)
First-hand speaker stories
Your speaker journey starts now

WIT North
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